

Lingkup Garansi

Dalam kebijakan kami, kami menyediakan 1 tahun garansi untuk kerusakan produk yang tidak disebabkan oleh kelalaian pengguna.

Untuk produk di luar lingkup jaminan, maka pengiriman dan penggantian material akan dikenakan biaya.


a) Garansi berlaku sejak tanggal nota pembelian.
b) Masa berlaku garansi untuk tali heart rate monitor dan bike mount adalah 6 bulan


Steps to Apply for a Warranty Claim:

To learn more details about the problem, pls help to show us the following details:

a) Product model:
b) Serial number (SN) or ID;
c) Purchase date from the invoice:
d) Defect description: what the defect is, how the defect generated, when it started.

The following information is also required for problem identifying:

a) Pictures for visible damages
b) Videos for malfunctions
c) Videos for data errors

To start a warranty, pls provide the following information:

a) Shop link:
b) Purchase ID:
c) Purchase date:

iGSPORT would maintain or replace the products for you when it is identified as defective within warrnty scope .

Lingkup Garansi

Dalam kebijakan kami, kami menyediakan 1 tahun garansi untuk kerusakan produk yang tidak disebabkan oleh kelalaian pengguna.

Untuk produk di luar lingkup jaminan, maka pengiriman dan penggantian material akan dikenakan biaya.


a) Garansi berlaku sejak tanggal nota pembelian.
b) Masa berlaku garansi untuk tali heart rate monitor dan bike mount adalah 6 bulan

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Steps to Apply for a Warranty Claim:

To learn more details about the problem, pls help to show us the following details:

a) Product model:
b) Serial number (SN) or ID;
c) Purchase date from the invoice:
d) Defect description: what the defect is, how the defect generated, when it started.

The following information is also required for problem identifying:

a) Pictures for visible damages
b) Videos for malfunctions
c) Videos for data errors

To start a warranty, pls provide the following information:

a) Shop link:
b) Purchase ID:
c) Purchase date:

iGSPORT would maintain or replace the products for you when it is identified as defective within warrnty scope .


To replace the battery:

1. You may send your device back to China for maintenance.
2. We may also send you a piece of battery , if it can be assembled by yourself.

But I would like to emphasize that the product will not be as waterproof as before without professional technical tools for maintenance. 

 It is recommended to send the device back to China for maintenance. 

The totol cost will be $26, if you wants to buy the battery for self-repair:
1. Actual material cost: $11
2. Shipping cost:  $15

For more details, pls submit a request to iGPSPORT customer support.

Silahkan mengisi formulir berikut untuk melakukan klaim garansi. Pengajuan Anda akan kami proses dalam waktu 1X24 jam